Tuesday 17 June 2008

Fern Britton Sparks 400% Increase in Gastric Band Inquiries

Fern BrittonFern Britton has sparked a 400% increase in inquiries about gastric bands since revealing she had lost five stone after the procedure, according to one leading stomach surgeon.

David Hewin, consultant surgeon at Gloucestershire Royal Hospital, said the Fern Factor sparked 20 new calls to his office from patients eager to have the slimming surgery.

The 50-year-old star of ITV's This Morning confessed last week her new figure was not entirely down to dieting. Mr Hewin said the announcement had "raised awareness" of the medical solution to obesity.

He says, "Since Fern's weight loss surgery was made public earlier this week, I have received more than 20 inquiries - a 400% increase - from people in Gloucestershire asking for more information about gastric band operations.

"Clearly Fern's successful weight loss has raised awareness of this type of surgery and the life saving and life-changing results that can be achieved."

Gastric band surgery can cost over �7,000 ($14,000) in the private sector but the NHS will treat morbidly obese people, with a body mass index of more than 35.

Mr Hewin, who also works at Cheltenham General Hospital, added to the Gloucestershire Echo newspaper, "People reach a certain size and there is no other option but to have surgery and unlike, plastic surgery, a gastric band can give significant health benefits.

"As weight loss will lower blood pressure, prolong the patients life span and can help the effects of type two diabetes."

He stressed that the operation was not to be seen as a shortcut to a perfect figure.

He continued, "Fern had clearly tried other ways of losing weight before. You have to speak to dietitians and psychologists first to show you have seriously tried non-surgical techniques such as a change of diet and medical therapy."

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